Is it possible to get an ack message when submitting a respMsg with a non interactive provider with

when posting a postMsg with a consumer, you can subscribe to OMMItemEvent of type AckMsg

to check if the posting went well, but I tried to submit a respMsg with a non interactive provider, I can't find a way to check if the submit went well or not, subscribing for ackmsg, is there a another way to find out if the submit went well or not?


Best Answer

  • Hi @YYYz

    In RFA the AckMsg acknowledgement mechanism only applies to PostMsg.

    If you want to know if there was a problem with a publishing scenario, then you should register interest for OMMErrorIntSpec - in order to receive OMMCmdErrorEvent which is generated when a
    command submission error occurs.

    You can provide a unique identifier as a Closure argument when you call submit(), and retrieve that closure from any OmmCmdErrorEvent that is generated- in order to help identify which submit method resulted in the Error.
