What are differences btw Reuters News and Thomson Reuters Automated News?

What are differences btw Reuters News(RTRS) and Thomson Reuters Automated News(TRAUT) both of which are provided by MRN Real-time News and News Archive through the Reuters News package?

I didn't know the existance of Thomson Reuters Automated News until today so would like to know what the features of Thomson Reuters Automated News are compared to Reuters News.



Best Answer

  • Hi @hiroko.yamaguchi

    From the application point of view, both are just a news source.

    And according to the Real-time News user guide, the Reuters News package includes access to both Reuters News (RTRS) and Thomson Reuters Automated News (TRAUT).

    You can check the appendix 1 of the real-time news user guide for the list of news that RTRS and TRAUT cover.

    If you want an in-depth detail of both sources, then please contact @Eric Fischkin.