How to get the Analyst detail data of stock?


I want to use the api to get analyst detail data for stock , for example like the excel to get


Best Answer

  • Hi @andy.ej

    It looks that your example is taken from the Excel templates library - "Analyst Detail.xlsx". This is a good start to see what data can be retrieved. Of course you can also use a Build Formula tool in Excel to find the data you are looking for and then that formula transform into an API request.
    The example =TR() formula used in that specific Eikon Excel, cell C31 (removed cell referencing):

    =TR("TRI.TO","TR.EPSEstValue.analystname;TR.EPSEstValue();;TR.EPSEstValue(OutputOptions=Prev).analystname;TR.EPSEstValue(OutputOptions=Prev);TR.EPSEstValue(OutputOptions=Prev).date","Period=FY1 Curn=CAD NULL='-' Sort:asc Rh:BrokerName") 

    can be converted to a python syntax

    df, err = ek.get_data('TRI.TO', ['TR.EPSEstValue.brokername','TR.EPSEstValue.analystname','TR.EPSEstValue()','','TR.EPSEstValue(OutputOptions=Prev).analystname','TR.EPSEstValue(OutputOptions=Prev)','TR.EPSEstValue(OutputOptions=Prev).date'],{'Period':'FY1', 'Curn':'CAD','NULL':'-' })

    Here is a good tutorial that will help you in understanding how to use python library data to access that data.
