Can you pls provide a full list of taxonomy for each of Social Tag and Industry Tag?

Can you pls provide a full list of taxonomy for each of Social Tag and Industry Tag so that I can handle all the values available for Aboutness Tagging?

I can find the full list for Topic Tag in Intelligent Tagging, from Refinitiv, API User Guide - Version 12.2 but not Social Tag and Industry Tag.




Best Answer

  • Hi @hiroko.yamaguchi

    Industry Tag - These are defined by the Thomson Reuters Business Classification (TRBC) taxonomy. You can get the full list on this page: (you will need to login in order to see this download page).

    Social Tag - We index all the English categories and articles in Wikipedia, and the index (which includes millions of items) is periodically updated. Currently we don't keep a list of all possible values, but you can use Wikimedia's dump files ( to obtain it.

    Matan Gafni

    TMS Content Support


  • Thanks, @matan.gafni.

    Re. Social Tag, it looks like it takes days to download all the latest files so I don't think it's practical...Do you know any other ways to get/go through the full list easily and quickly?

  • My apologies to rush you, but can you please answer my additional question?

  • Sorry, I missed your previous message.

    Unfortunately, there is currently no quick way to get the full list. I will open a new feature request case for the development team, but this depends on the PO's prioritization. We will let you know if anything changes.

  • Noted with thanks.