Duplicate News for Traditional Chinese & Simplified Chinese

When we using elektron Api to got the Chinese new with parameter "ZH" there will got Duplicate News for Traditional Chinese & Simplified Chinese , does there have any filter instruction could split to Traditional Chinese & Simplified Chinese News , or how to merge this duplicate news as one ?

Best Answer

  • Hi @Sheng Fu.Huang,

    I did some testing using WebSocket API with TREP. Each news contain a Product Code and when I look up the reference there are 3 Product Codes that can potentially return Simplified Chinese. For those 3 codes there seems to be a corresponding code in either Traditional Chinese or English. So you can skip the news with codes that you don't need. All product codes are returned with NP: prefix e.g. "NP:CIFS"



    CCHS Informa Chinawatch (Simplified)

    CCHW Informa Global Markets ChinaWatch

    CIF Chinese Infotimes News Service

    CIFS Infotimes (Simplified)

    HKIS Hong Kong IIS News (Simplified)

    SHKI Hong Kong Stock Exchange IIS News - English


  • can filter out traditional or simplified versions of the story using the "N2:LZT" and "N2:LZS” codes. So for certain sources like NS:MOPS, and where the language code = “zh” the user can opt to just process LZT or LZS messages where duplicates exist.