​When we receive Reuters market data, such as gold spot XAU=, XAG= there is no date field in the ret

When we receive Reuters market data, such as gold spot XAU=, XAG= there is no date field in the return data, Value_DT1, the program is error-free. See the attachment for the original document, please help see.

Best Answer

  • Hi @zhangping2

    There is no attachment - please attach the document - or if you cannot upload, please explain what the document is and the source of the document.

    I have also tried to consume XUA= and XAG= using my test tool and I don't see VALUE_DT1 field either.

    I can see ACTIV_DATE field which ticks each time BID / ASK price changes (and a few other DATE type fields also present in the payload)

    Not all RICs will have a VALUE_DT1 field in the field list payload - you can contact our Content Helpdesk if you need further clarification on Content.