Maximum FID size of MRN_STORY

Dear Team,

Please advise the maximum size of the FIDs that appear as JSON data after decompression when subscribing to real-time news using the RIC MRN_STORY.

Some sample FIDs: altID, body,headline, id and various other FIDs that are part of the JSON data.

Thank you.

Best Answer


  • hi Warat

    Ok noted. Thanks for the response.

    Couple more questions related to MRN

    1) Are there any recommendations for JSON Parser by Reuters development team?

    2) This is from the MRN/N2_UBMS comparison/migration guide

    [When multiple messages are required, then the data item can be deemed as fully received once the sum of the number of bytes of each FRAGMENT equals TOT_SUM]

    So for multiple messages, Is there any field that indicates the size(number of bytes) of each FRAGMENT?

    Thank you.

  • Hi @NWM

    1. I am afraid TR/Refinitiv does not have an official recommendation for JSON parser. We use standard JSON, so any JSON parsers should work fine.
    2. There is no such field.
      In EMA, you can get the size from the buffer length.

    For example, in EMA C++:

    static const Int16 FRAGMENT = 32641;

    const FieldList& fl = updateMsg.getPayload().getFieldList();
    const FieldEntry& fe = fl.getEntry();
    UInt32 fragmentLength = fe.getBuffer().length();