ETA Contribution Error

I am getting error while trying to use ETA API to contribute to UAT environment.


Received AckMsg for stream 5 AckId: 5 SeqNum: 2 Domain: 6 Message: Unable to find item stream.

I tried to use the off stream posting example that post to the 1 stream (login), but the DACS deny my access...

What's the correct way to contribute to DDS service using ETA API?

Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Hi @07dda49a-53bf-46a0-a784-aac9370176e5

    Have you opened an item stream first before posting an onStream post?

    And did you use the same stream ID as that item stream?

    The status text "Unable to find item stream." suggest that stream id "5" is not an opened item stream.

    When you made an onStream post, you must first request the item you wish to contribute to and start an item stream. You then send the post message to that stream.

    Please note that the stream must remain open when you send the post message.

    And obviously, you will need the contribute permission if you contribute through DACS enabled server. Please contact your DACS admin to grant you the permission.


  • I am using EZD ELEKTRON_CON and it does not have MARKET_PRICE domain, which is where I am going to post. How should I address this issue? Can I ask the firm to create a test RIC in ADS and contribute to that test RIC?

  • Hello @07dda49a-53bf-46a0-a784-aac9370176e5,

    Could you please verify that the service ELEKTRON_CON is available on your EZD and logged in, your user is able to consume the RIC you are trying to post on?

    EZD is part of Elektron Connect product and facilitates connectivity to Refinitv hosted infrastructure, over the internet. There should be service named ELEKTRON_DD. An assigned user login is used to consume from ELEKTRON_DD service the instruments (RICs) that are permissioned for that user login.

    One can not post on service that is not available.

  • I can confirm that I have connected to ELEKTRON_CON service. I can't post because I am onStream posting to Market price domain, which is not available on ELEKTRON_CON service. What's the work around? Should I onStream post to ELEKTRON_DD?

  • I am not sure I understand you 100%. ELEKTRON_CON is the service I discovered in EZD. Our firm's infrastructure does not use ELEKTRON_DD nor ELEKTRON_CON as service name. I want to avoid using deployed infrastructure to test posting as I have done so and cause a lot of problem on production. I would like to use EZD UAT environment for testing.

  • Hello @07dda49a-53bf-46a0-a784-aac9370176e5,

    The Elektron service, provided via EZD, is ELEKTRON_DD. From it you are able to consume rics you are permissioned for. Are you able to consume a permissioned RIC via ELEKTRON_DD via one of the examples?

    ELEKTRON_CON via EZD does not serve any standard domain data, no MARKET_PRICE, no level 2. Please disregard it for consumption purposes and consume from ELEKTRON_DD.

  • Yes. I can confirm I have already received market data from ELEKTRON_DD. I am able to subscribe to a lot of RIC which is permitted in DACS.

  • I would like to consume data from Elektron and post derived information to TREP infrastructure. I am able to consume data from ELEKTRON_DD. Now I need to see if I can post information, and as for as I know ELEKTRON_DD in EZD is the only place I can test posting other than going to our TREP infrastructure and testing in PROD.

    Please advise what's the appropriate venue for testing posting capability. (on Stream posting).

  • Hello @07dda49a-53bf-46a0-a784-aac9370176e5,

    I am addressing the additional information contained within a comment.

    When a consumer posts on a RIC within a service, every other consumer of that RIC within the service will see the posted update.

    Therefore, as you point out in the comment, your organization's deployed TREP, prod or QA, may support posting, as in this case the service as well as the access point infra (ADS) belong to your organization.

    EZD is a light-way connectivity option that allows to consume Elektron feed in a cost-effective way, in this case, one's service and infra are shared, with other downstream consumers. Therefore posting should not be supported via EZD to ELEKTRON_DD service.

    In terms of planning, and meeting your requirements, your Refinitiv account manager is the best contact to discuss in depth and help meet your requirements, to suggest the best option.

    Personally, without knowing the situation fully, I would explore requesting with your market data group and provisioning a qa or test service for the purposes of testing, including posting. It would be used for testing of all the additions or modifications to your consumers without impacting prod users.

    Does this clarify?

  • Thank you for your reply.