Why when pulling data using the RIC the values are correct but it is showing Null when using the ISI

Please find below an answer from a request using the DSS REST API.

You can notice
that when I used the RIC as the identifier the values are correct, but when I use
the ISIN as the identifier the values are null. It is also strange the when I
use the ISIN for the identifier it returns another RIC instead of the EWZ.
Could you please advise?

"@odata.context": "https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/$metadata#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.ExtractionResult",
"Contents": [
"IdentifierType": "Ric",
"Identifier": "EWZ",
"RIC": "EWZ",
"ISIN": "US4642864007",
"Security Description": "ISHARES MSCI BRAZIL ETF",
"Ask Price": 43.64,
"Bid Price": 43.63,
"High Price": 43.95,
"Low Price": 43.22,
"Open Price": 43.38,
"Close Price": 43.65,
"Universal Ask Price": 43.64,
"Universal Bid Ask Date": "2019-01-24",
"Universal Bid Price": 43.63,
"Universal Close Price": 43.65,
"Trade Date": "2019-01-24"
"IdentifierType": "Isin",
"Identifier": "US4642864007",
"RIC": "LP40056869",
"ISIN": null,
"Security Description": null,
"Ask Price": null,
"Bid Price": null,
"High Price": null,
"Low Price": null,
"Open Price": null,
"Close Price": null,
"Universal Ask Price": null,
"Universal Bid Ask Date": null,
"Universal Bid Price": null,
"Universal Close Price": null,
"Trade Date": null

Best Answer


  • it worked!! great! Thanks!

  • Hi Christiaan, thanks for the heads up. It is public now. Cheers!

  • @nityanand.koppad Client is questioning whether he should always include the "Source: PCQ" when pulling data using the ISIN as the identifier and if the source is the same for all assets? He also argues that he had pulled other 190 assets using ISIN without the "Source" and it has worked fine.

    Thanks in advance

  • @Paulo Roberto.Leite

    If client is using ISIN then including source will extract accurate/relevant data for the exchange/asset. Here Source is nothing but Exchange Code, using exchange code is important while using ISIN as instrument input because there could be more chances of ISIN being dual listed, shared with other asset class (Bonds, Fund, Class Share or Preference Share etc). If ISIN is shared with different asset & listed in different exchange then ISIN's last result default will be used to extract data and this is the hierarchy of search functionality. example below


  • How do i do the same for EIKON ? I am having similar problem pulling data from EIKOn with ISIN where the values returned are nulls for some instrument but when queried with RIC's the values returned are ok.