400 Error on price query

Hi, i normally run a query every day asking for closing prices (about 100 of them). Sometimes i would get an 400 Error but re-running the query solved the issue. Today however, i can't get passed this 400 error. Is there an issue with the server?

The query i run is:

ek.get_data(price, ['TR.PriceClose.Date', 'TR.PriceClose', 'TR.NETASSETVAL.Date', 'TR.NETASSETVAL'])

Best Answer

  • @pchauveau according to the documentation

    When a request fails because the platform is overwhelmed, an HTTP response with status code 400 and the message "Backend error. 400 Bad Request" is returned. Then the Python library raises an EikonError exception with the following message: Error code 400 | Backend error. 400 bad request 

    I will request additional info on that, it is not too clear.
