Only MDY rating for securities ?

Today we discovered that, when we request ratings for securities (bonds mainly) over the DSS REST API, we get no Fitch and S&P ratings at all, but only the bog standard MDY Moody's rating, although we request a number of rating codes. Is this normal ?

We get Fitch and S&P ratings as well as Moody's ratings when requesting issuers and/or country (government) ratings.

For securities (issues), we use the «RatingsExtractionRequest» type, with the «RatingLevel With {.IsIssue = True, .IsIssuer = False}» attributes.

Can you help us with this problem ?



Best Answer


  • Hi @Jirapongse.phuriphanvichai

    In the meantime, TR gave me 2 rating type codes (FTC and S&P) I had not included in my list, and they give me Fitch and S&P long term rating, and that's all I need, so I'm fine. But thank you, Terms & Conditions would be an alternative way to get them, that's correct :).

