Getting no entries in dataframe using screener exp in get_data in python


I am currently trying to obtain metrics of non financial companies in certain countries using suggested code in the forum:

import eikon as ek

rics = ('SCREEN(U(IN(Equity(active,public,primary))/*UNV:Public*/),'




fields = ["TR.CommonName", "TR.HeadquartersCountry", "TR.GICSSector"]

data, error = ek.get_data(rics, fields)

list2 = list(data['Instrument'])

field2 = ["TR.CashandEquivalents.periodenddate","TR.CashandEquivalents"]

for i in range(1, len(data), 10):

data2, error = ek.get_data(list2[(i-1)*10:i*10], field2,

parameters={"SDate": "0", "EDate": "-9", "Scale": "6",

"Period": "FY0", "Frq": "FQ", "CURN": "USD"})
but i did not get any entry in data. I tried with one country but the result is same. It gives me no entries in the dataframe. Also as a result it gives me a KeyError: 'Instrument' as there is no Instrument column.

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