Retrival of Bonds in default in any point in time

Hi, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I couldn't find any better.

I am a student conducting a research about defaulted bonds. Hence, I need bond data for bonds with the attribute Asset Status = "In Default" in any point in time. I am able to use Thomson Reuters Eikon + Datastream.
I have 2 problems:
1. I could only find data for the current Asset Status + Asset Status Effective date, but I am not able to find historical data of the Asset Status and when it was effectively changed as it is shown in the bond interface. If there is a way to examine this data, I could extract all bonds I am interested in.
2. A second way would be to understand the dynamic of "Asset Status". If there are Asset Statuses that can only be changed to if the bond was prior set to "In default" (e.g. Liquidated), then I could search for bonds that are set to "In default" or to the mentioned Asset Statuses.
Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

  • Hi @steffen-pluetzke, we do not really expose the asset status history in the API or Eikon Excel, I will ask if we have plans of adding this and will let you know. At the moment you can see it on a bond description page under the asset status history.

    As for the life cycle of a debt instrument, I am not quite sure how to help you with that. You might be better off contacting your local Refinitiv support desk.


  • Hello the Refinitiv team,
    I'm a graduate at the University of Arizona and I need to do a research project based on the Rotman Finance Lab data (featuring only Canadian companies) which we use for our reports. How can I find the historical data of the Asset Status?


    >Pull data from Datastream: data identifiers and eikon.get_data package via hireessaywriter

  • By the looks of it, this feature is not implemented (neither for Eikon Python API, Eikon Excel, or Datastream Excel). Are there plans for this?

  • Hello @jhonny and @steffen-pluetzke,

    You may wish to look into RD library Search functionality, described in the article Building Search into your Application Workflow to see if this information can be of help to you.

    See section "Common Properties" and in it Asset State -> Defaulted.

    Next you may wish to review Build queries easily using Refinitiv's Search API with Python and Jupyter.

    By analogy to the described:

    view = search.SearchViews.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,
    query = "bonds",
    filter = "AssetState eq 'DE'"

    results in:

    (8978, 355)

    This is many hits, and potentially can be narrowed down further, to your specific requirements, but is under 10k limit, and therefore should allow the request:

    view = search.SearchViews.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,
    top = 10000,
     filter = "AssetState eq 'DE'",
    select = "CommonName, IssuerName, AssetState, MaturityDate, LastChangeDate",
    order_by = "CommonName"

    Resulting in:



    Hope that this information is of help

  • Thanks, that's great and works very well! Is it also possible to retrieve the entire history of the Asset Status given the ISIN of a government bond? For this use case, e.g., with bond AT0000386115, I can only retrieve the latest Asset Status (TR.AssetStatus). I tried the following:

    df = rd.get_history(
    universe = ['AT0000386115'],
    fields = ['TR.AssetStatus'],
    start = '2005-01-01',
    end = '2015-12-31'
  • Hello @jhonny,

    Glad to hear that this additional information was of help, the accepted answer by our expert remains correct:

    RD get_history functionality is intended for pricing history request.

    By running the call without field selection, you will be able to see all the fields that are available, for example:


    and RD library Search functionality is at the current point of time.

    For in-depth history in general, enterprise history products, such as Refinitiv Tick History, are targeted. And for the specific requirement, if your organization evaluates the product, the specific content requirement is verified with Refinitiv content experts.

    A customer can fully verify the availability of specific content within Eikon/Refinitiv Workspace with Refintiiv content experts via Refinitiv Helpdesk Online -> Content -> Eikon. If the content required can be obtained via Eikon Data Item Browser, it should also be available via Eikon Data API and RD -> get_data.