Historical analyst unique ID for list of RIC's

Dear developers,

Currently, I have been using the Eikon Excel add-in for all my data requests but have encountered an issue. My request is, that I have a list of RIC's, wherein I want to retrieve (on a year-by-year basis on a specific date) a list of the Unique Analyst ID's (number format) providing estimates for the given RIC. I have not been able to do this, all I can do is get the current unique ID's - but these do not change over time according to my code... I have used:

=TR(B1,"TR.AnalystUID","Sdate=2003-03-31 Period=NTM",B3)

I was wondering if anyone here knows how to do this? I would be more than willing to use a Python API, so any suggestions are welcoming!

Best Answer

  • @phbas14, @adpro17
    I'm afraid the moderators on this forum wouldn't know the answer. This question is not specific to using Eikon Data APIs, it is about whether the workflow you're looking to build is possible given the data structure, availability and relationship. The moderators on this forum don't have that deep an expertise in this specific dataset to provide an authoritative response.
    I advise you to contact Refinitiv Helpdesk by either calling the Helpdesk number in your country or by using Contact Us capability in your Eikon application and ask for help with building the workflow you need in Excel. If it's not possible to build it in Excel, it's not possible through Eikon Data APIs either. If it is possible to build it in Excel and you prefer to implement it in Python, it's quite easy to move the implementation from Excel to Python script.


  • This is one of the problems I am facing too! Really would help if someone know this..

  • I am happy that you confirm that the data availability is the same in the Excel-add in as it is for any API. I was thinking the same.

    My issue is that my University does not have support in its license, so students like myself are left to ourselves - which is why I wanted to post here.. But thank you for the advice, it's appreciated.