.NET API getting NDA_RAW data


If I run:

            request = timeSeries.SetupDataRequest("EUR=")

the code moves to the DataReceivedCall() function

However, if I replace WithView("BID") with WithView("NDA_RAW") it never gets there and the program does not finish:

            request = timeSeries.SetupDataRequest("EUR=")

What am I doing wrong please?

Thank you very much

Best Answer

  • NDA_RAW view is incompatible with intraday intervals. You can trap the error using OnStatusUpdated event. For this request IRequestStatus.Error returned into OnStatusUpdated event callback will have "NoSuchInterval". Check out Views and Intervals section in this tutorial for more info.


  • Thank you + my field names were incorrect as well.. All solved now. Thanks vvm Alex!!