Eikon Data Api. Timeseries request failed

2019-02-21 16:17:44,173 -- pyeikon -- DEBUG -- Request:{'Entity': {'E': 'TimeSeries', 'W': {'rics': ['AAPL.MX'], 'fields': ['VOLUME;VALUE;', 'TIMESTAMP'], 'interval': 'tick', 'startdate': '2019-02-21T21:00:00', 'enddate': '2019-02-21T21:10:00'}}, 'ID': '123'} 
2019-02-21 16:17:45,282 -- pyeikon -- DEBUG -- HTTP Response code: 200
2019-02-21 16:17:45,282 -- pyeikon -- DEBUG -- HTTP Response: {"timeseriesData":[{"dataPoints":null,"errorCode":"TSIError","errorMessage":"Error: TSIRequestFailed, ErrorCode: TA-TSIRequestFailed, Fault: TSIError, Description: TimeSeries request failed","ric":"AAPL.MX","statusCode":"Error"}]}
2019-02-21 16:17:45,283 -- pyeikon -- WARNING -- Error with AAPL.MX: TimeSeries request failed

I've never seen this error before. I've got hundreds of this error and after some point it started to work again. I cannot reproduce it, but I have a log file from python module.

What does this error mean?

What should I do if I get this error? Re-sending the same request didn't help.

Best Answer

  • This means the timeseries Web service tried to fetch the data from the timeseries database and failed. The error occurred at the headend and from the client side there's no way to tell what may have caused it.


  • Understood. Thanks

  • @Alex Putkov.

    Similar behavior today:

    2019-02-25 16:18:59,732 -- pyeikon -- DEBUG -- HTTP Response: {"timeseriesData":[{"dataPoints":null,"errorCode":"TSIError","errorMessage":"Error: TSIRequestFailed, ErrorCode: TA-TSIRequestFailed, Fault: TSIError, Description: TimeSeries request failed","ric":"BG.MX","statusCode":"Error"}]} 2019-02-25 16:18:59,733 -- pyeikon -- WARNING -- Error with BG.MX: TimeSeries request failed 2019-02-25 16:18:59,733 -- pyeikon -- ERROR -- BG.MX: TimeSeries request failed | 2019-02-25 16:18:59,757 -- pyeikon -- DEBUG -- Request:{'Entity': {'E': 'TimeSeries', 'W': {'rics': ['BG.MX'], 'fields': ['VOLUME;VALUE;', 'TIMESTAMP'], 'interval': 'tick', 'startdate': '2019-02-25T21:00:00', 'enddate': '2019-02-25T21:10:00'}}, 'ID': '123'} 2019-02-25 16:19:00,110 -- pyeikon -- DEBUG -- HTTP Response code: 200 2019-02-25 16:19:00,110 -- pyeikon -- DEBUG -- HTTP Response: {"timeseriesData":[{"dataPoints":null,"errorCode":"TSIError","errorMessage":"Error: TSINoDataAvailable, ErrorCode: TA-TSINoDataAvailable, Fault: TSIError, Description: No data available for the requested date range","ric":"BG.MX","statusCode":"Error"}]} 2019-02-25 16:19:00,111 -- pyeikon -- WARNING -- Error with BG.MX: No data available for the requested date range 2019-02-25 16:19:00,111 -- pyeikon -- ERROR -- BG.MX: No data available for the requested date range | 

    Hundreds errors "TimeSeries request failed", then started to work normally. As you can see last 2 requests - 1st failed, second went through.

    Again, cannot reproduce.

  • We are still experiencing the same problem with python:

    2019-02-26 16:16:31,067 -- pyeikon -- DEBUG -- HTTP Response code: 200 

    2019-02-26 16:16:31,067 -- pyeikon -- DEBUG -- HTTP Response: {"timeseriesData":[{"dataPoints":null,"errorCode":"TSIError","errorMessage":"Error: TSIRequestFailed, ErrorCode: TA-TSIRequestFailed, Fault: TSIError, Description: TimeSeries request failed","ric":"AC.MX","statusCode":"Error"}]}

    2019-02-26 16:16:31,067 -- pyeikon -- WARNING -- Error with AC.MX: TimeSeries request failed

    2019-02-26 16:16:31,067 -- pyeikon -- ERROR -- AC.MX: TimeSeries request failed |

    2019-02-26 16:16:31,087 -- pyeikon -- DEBUG -- Request:{'Entity': {'E': 'TimeSeries', 'W': {'rics': ['AC.MX'], 'fields': ['VOLUME;VALUE;', 'TIMESTAMP'], 'interval': 'tick', 'startdate': '2019-02-26T21:00:00', 'enddate': '2019-02-26T21:10:00'}}, 'ID': '123'}

  • Why is the Web Service not passing this error on as part of the two documented exceptions: `Exception` or `ValueError` even though the error is printed to the console? It is unfortunate, that this error only shows up inside the raw request content. That makes it difficult to handle the error...

  • @sdittmar

    If you'd like to ask a new question, please always start a new thread. Old threads with accepted answers are not monitored by forum moderators. If you need to reference a discussion on an existing thread, include the link to that thread in your post.
    What I think you're asking is why Eikon Data APIs Python library does not raise an exception when it receives an error from the Web service. The answer is: Eikon Data APIs Python library does raise an exception when the request fails completely, e.g. when all RICs in the request are invalid. However when the request returns timeseries for some RICs but not for others, the exception is not raised. The logic is that in this case the request as a whole succeeds, even if the data is not returned for some RICs in the list. Do you want the entire request to fail and raise an exception without returning any data when you request timeseries for a list of RICs and one of the RICs in your list is invalid? We think that the behavior in current implementation of the Python library is preferable, even though it requires you to interrogate Python logger to catch the error message.