SFTP certificate upload from Windows client

Does anyone know how to follow the manual below to include a certificate in the SFTP solution having only a windows client available?

"Update the authorized_keys file on the server with the content of id_rsa.pub From the command prompt, ftp to.

sftp> cd .ssh

sftp> put id_rsa.pub authorized_keys

sftp> chmod 600 authorized_keys

sftp> quit"

Best Answer

  • @Joram.Hollander

    You can use puttygen.exe and psftp.exe from the putty package to generate keys and securely transfer files, respectively.

    1. Run puttygen.exe to generate public and private keys (Generate button)

    2. Then, save a private key (Save private key button). The file name could be id_rsa.ppk

    3. Then, copy a public key from the textbox (as shown below) and paste it to the notepad. The text is started with ssh-rsa and ended with rsa-key-<date>


    4. Next, save the file as id_rsa.pub

    5. Next, use psftp.exe to connect to the DSS FTP server. You need to enter a password to access the server

    psftp r<user id>@hosted.datascope.reuters.com

    6. Put the id_rsa.pub from the fourth step to .ssh/authroized_key

    sftp> cd .ssh
    sftp> put id_rsa.pub authorized_keys
    sftp> chmod 600 authorized_keys
    sftp> quit

    7. Run psftp.exe with the private key (id_rsa.ppk) to access the server. This time, it will not ask for a password

    psftp r<user id>@hosted.datascope.reuters.com -i id_rsa.ppk