AttributeError: module 'eikon' has no attribute 'set_app_key'

Hello. I just started using the eikon API. When I try to use the example scripts in the website, I get this error. I tried the solutions in the two similar questions, namely pip upgrade eikon and adding to the path, but it didnt work. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • You possibly mixed different versions.

    A solution is to uninstall then re-install eikon library.

    set_app_key replaced set_app_id since 0.1.12 beta version.

    If you check helper on set_app_xxx functions :

    >>> help(ek.set_app_id)
    Help on function set_app_id in module eikon.Profile:

    Set the application id.

    app_id : string
    the application id

    The application ID identifies your application on Refinitiv Platform.
    You can get an application ID using the App Key Generator. This App is available in Eikon Desktop.

    .. deprecated:: 0.1.12
    This will be removed in 1.1.0. Use set_app_key function instead
    >>> help(ek.set_app_key)
    Help on function set_app_key in module eikon.Profile:

    Set the application key.

    app_key : string
    the application key
    The app key identifies your application on Refinitiv Platform.
    You can get an application ID using the App Key Generator. This App is available in Eikon Desktop.



  • Are you sure that you upgraded to eikon 1.0.0 release version ?
    You can check version in Python console :

    >> import eikon
    >> eikon.__version__

    => You should have '1.0.0' result

  • Yes, It says 1.0.0

  • I don't see how this is possible. Version 1.0.0 of eikon library certainly implements set_app_key function, you can check it yourself by opening the source code. Are you executing eikon.__version__ and eikon.set_app_key calls in the same Python script? Or are you perhaps mixing several environments where you may have different versions of eikon library installed?

  • I just installed it this morning and only use Spyder. Weirdest thing is that i changed "set_app_key" to "set_app_id" like in the previous version and yet it gives the same error "eiko has no attribute named set_app_key", not Id, but key