DataScope Select API license (legal!)


We are developing some software for a client that uses the Datascope Select .Net SDK. This will be an add-in to our own software product (to download some market data into the clients' system).

We will need to distribute the DLLs along with the software to this client, as part of our installer.

I cannot find license information for the SDK and our legal will need to review if we are allowed to "distribute" the DLLs with our own installer, or if this is prohibited and we need to provide instructions to client to download the SDK themselves and copy it to the right location. The first solution is obviously preferred.

What is the license for the SDK DLLs, and where do I find an official statement?

I understand that the API key is something else altogether and the client will need to get their own.



Best Answer

  • DanielZee,

    Even though you decided to follow an alternate path, I'll deliver the response in case you change your mind, or in case this is of interest to someone else reading this thread:

    You should not
    repackage or distribute our SDK. The way to go is to provide instructions or scripts for your clients to download from our
    normal distribution.

    Apologies for the belated answer.
