Retrieve dividend stock via Python Eikon API

In excel i am able to do the following query:

=TR(stockRIC,"TR.DivExDate;TR.DivType;TR.DivPaymentType;ZAV(TR.DivadjustedGross)","CH=Fd sdate=#1 edate=#2 curn=#3 SORTD=TR.DivExDate DateType=ED",$C$11:$F$92,sdate,edate,currency)


Which results in the following:


How can I do this in Python for a set of stocks? When I do a similar request in Python the dividend of 125 does not show, it give a 0 value.

Best Answer

  • Hi

    Regarding your issue, you can used the following get_data function to retrieve the desired information

    >>> start='2019-01-01'
    >>> end='2019-03-11'
    >>> ric='PSN.L'
    >>> currency='GBp'

    data, err=ek.get_data(ric,['TR.DivExDate','Tr.DivType','TR.DivPaymentType','ZAV(TR.DivadjustedGross)'],parameters={'Sdate':start,'Edate':end, 'Curn':currency, 'dateType':'ED','SORTD':'TR.DivExDate'})

    Hope it help you.


  • Hi, thank you very much for the response. Very helpful. My apologies for the late reply, I was not able to easily find the page. Thanks again.

  • Thank you for you help! It works and it is what I was looking for.

    One extra thing I would like to ask you is what the ZAV() is for? I found the query i posted in an Eikon excel template, but I do not really know what the ZAV() is for. Do you know?

    Thank you again for all your help.

    Cheers, Mick

  • You can find these functions in Expression Editor in Formula Builder wizard in Eikon Excel. See screenshots below.

