Elektron Connection Error

Things have worked great for the last 2 months, but for some reason I am now seeing this error when trying to connect to the elektron websocket session using the provided java sample code:

Connecting to WebSocket wss://amer-3.pricing.streaming.edp.thomsonreuters.com:443/WebSocket for session1...
Connect error for session1:com.neovisionaries.ws.client.HostnameUnverifiedException: The certificate of the peer does not match the expected hostname (amer-3.pricing.streaming.edp.thomsonreuters.com)

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @vikas.khurana

    Based on your description, this appears to be a connectivity / permissions issue - rather than a programming / API related matter.

    Therefore, I recommend you raise a ticket with our service helpdesk who should be able to confirm if there was any issue with the servers or your account etc.

    Please select 'Elektron Real Time in Cloud' in the Product category to ensure the query is routed correctly.