which fun should I use if I want to get "Spread Table"


I want to get "Spread Table", I get the RefreshMsg as follows:

if I use the fun "fe.getRmtes().toString()." to get the "fid="317", I still need to divide the string to get the spreadTable value "<HKSEST01>".

so my question is : Is there any Convenient Method to get the value of Spread Table


Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @luxiangyuan

    The RIC <0034MI.HK> is for Page based data - which is returned as rows of text. The acrual content distributed using Page data can vary considerably from page to page.

    We do not provide any content aware functions to extract particular types of content from a string - as we try to keep our APIs content agnostic. They deliver the data and it is the responsibility of the developer to parse the data as per their requirements.

    Therefore, you will need to use standard C++ string manipulation functions to extract the <HKSEST01> RIC code.