Will the RefreshMsg be returnd the same order I request


I develop with EMA C++, I have a question shown as follows:

step 1: register quote f:.registerClient( "0001.HK......1000.HK" );

step2: register spread table registerClient( "0001MI.HK......1000MI.HK" );

my question is:will all the quote RefreshMsg returnd before the first spread table RefreshMsg return?

thank you .

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @luxiangyuan

    When you request multiple items - be it individually or in Batch requests, you can not assume the corresponding RefreshMsgs will arrive in the same order as your requests.

    Therefore, in your example above you cannot assume that e.g. the RefreshMsg for <1000.HK> will arrive before the RefreshMsg for <0001MI.HK>

    The order of responses is determined by the ADS server you are connecting to and will depend on factors such as availability in cache etc.
