How to use the backup of TREP in EmaConfig.xml


I develop with EMA in C++, and use EmaConfig.xml;

when I use "Consumer_1", I can get quote from TREP1;

when I use "Consumer_2", to test the backup between TREP1 & TREP2, I get the error :

Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='dictionary retrieval failed (timed out after waiting 45000 milliseconds) for TREP1:14002)'

I want to know how to use Consumer_2 to test the backup

We have two TREP, they are TREP1 & TREP1 as follows:


I have two consumer Consumer_1 & Consumer_2 shown as follows:


Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @luxiangyuan

    I can see from your screen capture that for Consumer_2 that your Logger and more importantly your Dictionary type is different to Consumer_1

    Consumer_1 is using a Dictonary_1 which is set to ChannelDictionary in the default EMAConfig.xml file - i.e. download from server

    Consumer_2 is set to use Dictionary_2 - which is set to FileDictionary in the default EMAConfig.xml

    When you amend or use a Consumer_x definition, you need to ensure all values are configured correctly - not just the ChannelSet.

    Therefore, if you wish to use download dictionaries then please ensure your Consumer_2 definition is set to use Dictionary_1 also.

    Please read the EMAConfigGuide document as well as my EMA Config Overview article.