How can I use the Eikon Data API with Python to pull Excel Deal Screener data?

using the excel deal screener i get an excel formula like:

=TF('TFScreen.Deals(DEALSEXPRFORMAT(Deals,Active,1, IssuerStatus=M&A),curn=USD,((TF.Deals.AnnDate()>=03/05/2019 And TF.Deals.AnnDate()<=03/20/2019))), "TF.Deals.MADealNo()")

Can I call this excel formula by using the get_data function in the Eikon Data API?

Best Answer

  • No, you cannot. The Deal Analytics add-on, which creates Deal Screener button under Thomson Reuters tab in Excel ribbon is a legacy component, which over time will be retired. The replacement is the Screener with the Deals selected as the Universe. Expressions created using Screener can be used in get_data method of Eikon Data APIs.