Submit of CloseMsg failed


I am trying to request 12k of ric spread into 7 batches locally and encountered this problem on 1 out 3 computers.Apparently, the other two computers never encounter this problem. What does this error means? what is the root cause and how can i fix it?

//message from the local provider 
2019-03-26 15:48:03.083 ERROR 24060 --- [ool-12-thread-1] c.t.e.a.OmmConsumerImpl : loggerMsg
ClientName: Consumer_3_4
Severity: Error
Text: Call to rsslReactorDispatchLoop() failed. Internal sysError='0' Error text='Submit of CloseMsg failed: <INIT_NOT_INITIALIZED>'

i run the provider using this command if it helps :

gradlew.bat runETAPerfProvider -PcommandLineArgs="-tickRate 20"

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    The error INIT_NOT_INITIALIZED indicates that transport has not been initialized. Therefore, it is unable to send a close message.

    You may need to verify if there is a disconnection between that consumer and provider.

    Normally Developer Community Forum is for how-to/general questions but your question seems to be more complex and requires investigation e.g. review source code, configuration, try to reproduce the problem etc.

    I recommend you contact RDC subscribers in your company to raise a query through the premium support service. RDC subscribers should see a link "Contact Premium Support" when they are logged into the developer portal (


    For any difficulties submitting the query to us, please contact