Host name resolved too often

Hi all,

we are using /Elektron-SDK1.2.2.linux.rrg/Cpp-C/Eta to post messages to TRCC.

Each time sending a message "rsslHostByName" is called from the eta-library

to resolve the IP adress of the local host - propably within


That is quiet a performance issue. Can I turn that feature off?

And why is it necessary to call that function thousand times a second?



Best Answer

  • Hello @Thomas Wolf,

    Just a double-check, have you copied the post encode from an example, are you sure you are not calling rsslHostByName from encode, in order to obtain the IP address, as the example does:

    rsslHostByName(&hostNameBuf, &ipAddrUInt32);
    postMsg.postUserInfo.postUserAddr = ipAddrUInt32;



  • Ups - I have overseen that completly!!

    But good for me, for I can easily replace that call.

    Sorry I have bothered you. And thanks for your attention.