looking for chains documentation/spec

looking for chains documentation/spec

Best Answer


  • roman.koifman: would you please elaborate your requirement. Thank you

  • Hi Kumaralu,

    I am looking for any documentation for RMDS chains functionality.

    Thank you

  • Hello @roman.koifman,

    Can you tell us about your use case, what are you looking to do with chains?

    For example, are you looking to submit a chain RIC and via DSS get the list of constituents? +

    Or get history on chain constituents?

    Or via realtime, "walk the chain" and subscribe the constituents to consume realtime pricing?

  • Hi. Thanks for providing examples.

    I am interested in "via realtime, "walk the chain" and subscribe the constituents to consume realtime pricing"

    Thank you!

  • Thank you!