Missing ".O" instruments from Elektron Connect data stream

We have been accessing streaming financial data for about a week now and it seems to be going smoothly BUT we are not receiving data from the following three ETFs, all seem to be with ".O"



We aren't receiving any error messages either, just the data doesn't appear in our streams. We've specified with the contracting team that we needed these data so we don't think it is a permission or setting issue.

Any thoughts about why these data could be missing from our streams?

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @jlansey

    I just tested EMA connecting to our in house TREP (equivalent to EZD in your case).

    I can successfully retrieve data for these 3 RICs (DAX.O MCHI.O QQQ.O)

    Please contact your local representative to check on your EZD configuration.
