NameError: name 'EikonError' is not defined

Stack trace:

File "c:\...\Python36\lib\site-packages\eikon\", line 32, in set_app_id
File "c:\...\Python36\lib\site-packages\eikon\", line 207, in set_app_key
File "c:\...\Python36\lib\site-packages\eikon\", line 322, in check_profile
raise EikonError(-1, 'Port number was not identified. Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.')

Python and Eikon api versions:

Python 3.6.7 (v3.6.7:6ec5cf24b7, Oct 20 2018, 13:35:33) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import eikon
>>> eikon.__version__

Best Answer

  • ebortoluzzi
    Answer ✓

    I think there is a regression from 0.1.13.

    It is missing an import in the file

    from .eikonError import *


  • @ivan.cherkasov this is the current version of the library.

    Can you confirm that the terminal is running on the same machine?

  • It is, but was I was logged off (accidentally) when I ran the python script and noticed this exception.

  • You're right, and this regression is corrected in the next version of the library (1.1.0), which is going to be released shortly.