pull equities 1 minute bar data with Python

As I'm new to this community, please allow me to post a basic question.

I'm trying to download equities 1 minute bar data with Python.

With Excel, we can do it with RHistory formula by setting start time and INTERVAL:1M.

=RHistory("6501.T","ASK.Close","START:2019-02-27:13:25 ADJUSTED:NO TIMEZONE:TOK INTERVAL:1M NBROWS:1",,,)

Is it impossible to do with Python?

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @gyuwa

    Here is the document.

    Here is the sample code: (Replace your app key to a valid app key)

    import eikon as ek

    Here is the sample result:

    6501.T                CLOSE
    2019-02-28 00:01:00 3405.0
    2019-02-28 00:02:00 3399.0
    2019-02-28 00:03:00 3390.0
    2019-02-28 05:59:00 3345.0
    2019-02-28 06:00:00 3333.0
    2019-02-28 06:01:00 3335.0


  • Hi Chavalit,

    Thank you very much for your reply. Seems like it's impossible to pull best bid/ask prices with 1 minute bar data?

  • TimeSeries only supports these fields:


    So no, you cannot retrieve best bid/ask.