How can I get dividend data in certain condition using python API?

Now I'd like to retrieve dividend data using eikon python API.

How can I get dividend data in certain condition?

For example, regarding specified equity

1. search condition : Record Date or Ex-Dividend Date satisfies date range from 01/01/2019 to 31/01/2019

2. output data : TR.DivExDate, TR.DivRecordDate,TR.DivUnadjustedGross,TR.DivType

Best Answer

  • Here's an example. 'DateType':'ED' specifies that SDate and EDate filters apply to ex-dividend date.

    {'SDate':'2019-01-01', 'EDate':'2019-03-31', 'DateType':'ED'})
    For more details on how to construct requests with the help of GUI tools (Data Item Browser app in Eikon or Formula Builder wizard in Eikon Excel) refer to this tutorial.
