Trading at last in MK_PHASE

I have a question regarding to the trading at last in the MK_PHASE. From list in MK_PHASE, I can only find 14 - Post-Market Trading may suitable this trading status. Can someone help me to confirm this? We currently only have Asia data so we can't see this status in the dev environment.

! ----- ------- -------
0 " " Undefined
1 "C " Closed
2 "O " Opening Auction
3 "T " Continuous Trading
4 "V " Unscheduled Intraday Auction - I.e., Volatility Auction
5 "I " Intra-day Auction (scheduled)
6 "E " Closing Auction
7 "NAS" No Active Session
8 "LC " Live Compilation (Indices, Stats & Rankings)
9 "BRK" Scheduled Intraday Break
10 "RO " Reporting only
11 "FP " Fixed Price Trading (All trades matched at a single fixed price determined by the exchange, i.e., closing auction, VWAP, last trade price)
12 "AP " Administration Phase
13 "PET" Pre-Market Trading
14 "POT" Post-Market Trading
15 "IC " Intra-day Close (scheduled)
16 "QP " Quotation Only Period

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