EZD testclient command execution error

Tried executing

rmdstestclient -S ELEKTRON_DD -il MRN_STORY -md 33 -X -v -u USERNAME

and faced below error

Service: ELEKTRON_DD ConnectionType: rssl ServerHostname: localhost SipcVersi
on: 4
Number of Connection Count = 1
Creating RSSL connection Host: localhost Port: 14002
rsslInitChannel() returned -1, Error <......\Ripc\Impl\ripcsrvr.c:5208> ripcCo
nnecting() Error: 1002 client connect() failed. System errno: (10057)

could you please suggest what needs to be done here

Best Answer


  • @hemalata.gavade

    Winsock error 10057 is "Socket is not connected.". I got the same error code if the port 14002 is not listening on the machine.

    First, you need to verify the ezd.log in order to make sure that it runs properly. Then, you can use "netstat -anb" command to verify if the TCP port 14002 is used by the EZD process.

    To verify the problem, please share the ezd.log and output from the "netstat -anb" command.

  • EZD is running on local host.

  • Hello @hemalata.gavade

    To be able to investigate the problem, Please do following @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai 's answer.