how to fetch reported total assets of an Europe listed company in USD via eikon API?

Hi there,

when I fetch the reported total asset of a stock by using:

eikon.get_data(RIC, fields = ['TR.TotalAssetsReported'], parameters={'SDate': date})

How can check the default currency of the total asset? is there a way to convert the assets into USD?

thank you so much!

Best Answer

  • Alex Putkov.1
    Answer ✓

    I think you'll benefit from looking at this tutorial, which talks at length about metadata discovery for use in Eikon Data APIs.
    To answer your specific question, TR.TotalAssetsReported.currency returns the currency of TR.TotalAssetsReported. And Curn parameter allows you to specify in which currency you want balance sheet items to be returned. E.g.

    ek.get_data('VOD.L', ['TR.TotalAssetsReported', 
    returns 145,611,000,000 EUR.
    ek.get_data('VOD.L', ['TR.TotalAssetsReported', 
    returns 179,407,850,964.737 USD.