Contribution DeniedBySource: Marketfeed Format error


We get the following Ack message during attempt to contribute data for test instrument:

domain="MarketPrice Domain"
text="Marketfeed Format error"

What is the reason for this response? Could it be some misconfiguration for contribution service?


Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @pavel.kropachev

    Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, there is not enough information to diagnose what may be going wrong. It could well be a contribution server issue - but I cannot say based on what you have provided.

    You can ask your client to enable the XmlTrace option in their config - for EMA C++ you can enable XmlTraceToFile and set the other related parameters to generate the tracefile.

    For EMA Java they can enable XmlTraceToStdout and redirect to a file.

    They can then raise a support ticket and share the trace file to help the support team understand what may be going wrong.This forum is best suited for programming how to advise and simpler diagnostics.


  • Hi @pavel.kropachev

    The text of the AckMsg indicates a Formatting error.

    Can you confirm which API you are using and provide an example of what you are contributing?

    One test would be to perform a very simple post - e.g. with a single String field in the payload. This would help determine it their is indeed a formatting error in your fuller payload or perhaps an issue with the contribution server configuration.

  • Hello @Umer Nalla

    Thanks for answer!

    We are using EMA API (PostMsg). FIDs for contribution: "DSPLY_NAME (3)", "GEN_VAL2 (997)". Service: "DCSIP (291)".

  • Hi @pavel.kropachev

    Did you try just contributing DSPLY_NAME with a string as I suggested? Do you still get a Nack - if so it would suggest that you are not encoding GEN_VAL2 correctly.

    When I asked for an example of what you are contributing, I meant a code snippet - so we can see if you are encoding the fields correctly.

  • Hello @Umer Nalla

    Actually, our application (based on EMA API) is used in two places. On our side it works correct for the same FIDs and MARKETLINK service (id: 266). But problem is observed on customer's side during the contribution.