R connection problem port 9000


I get this error message when trying to connect to server from R. Any ideas what is wrong ?


> library(eikonapir)
> eikonapir::set_proxy_port(9000L) # port 9000L is for windows – for mac please use port 36036L
> eikonapir::set_app_id("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
> result <- get_symbology(list("MSFT.O", "GOOG.O", "IBM.N"),"RIC",list("ISIN"),raw_ouput = FALSE,debug=FALSE)
Error in curl::curl_fetch_memory(url, handle = handle) : Failed to connect to localhost port 9000: Connection refused

Best Answer

  • claudiu
    Answer ✓

    Could be you're just not logged in to Eikon. For me to be able to run R scripts I need to open Windows Eikon and only then run the R script. The message you posted is the message I get if I run the script without opening Eikon.


  • Hello,

    Basically, if you're running your script within Eikon 4 on Windows, that means you're not allowed because you don't have the right variant version (Eikon Core is not allowed).

    Did you run successfully before ?

  • Hello

    Thanks for your answer. I'm a new user of Eikon, so this is the first time I use it and it never worked before. I use Eikon 4 on windows and R 3.5.3 (through Rstudio)

  • Great. Many thanks it works now with Eikon windows open.