When a market quote gets lifted or pulled does the RFA API sends us zero bid/ask or just sends blank

Today for the RIC: LCO5500L1 a market quote was briefly visible but then the market disappeared (or whoever showed the market on the exchange, pulled it). However we did not receive a 0 bid/ask quote for that RIC via the RFA API. Can someone please confirm why that wasn't the case ? Or how do we deal with such scenarios. Our application does not want to show a market that does not exist on the exchange anymore. However the RFA API does not send us a zero bid/ask

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @osman.anwar

    As mentioned - the API does not apply any logic to the data / mark fields as blank. The RFA API will pass onto your application what it receives from the server.

    If a quote was pulled then surely you would receive a blank instead - sending 0 for BID / ASK would indicate an actual quote of price 0 for BID / ASK ?

    Please go ahead and check with the content team for confirmation.


  • Hi @osman.anwar

    Did you receive any updates for that RIC at all - around the time of the above market activity? Is it possible you received blank / empty fields in an update and you discarded the update?

    RFA is 'data agnostic' in the sense that it will just send you what it receives from the server - it does not apply any business / market logic etc to the data.

    The best approach here is to contact the Helpdesk and create a Content type query. The Content team can check the tick history and determine what was sent and when.

  • We only process that that is not blank i.e if (!RFA.Common.data.IsBlank)

    I would imagine RFA would NOT mark it as blank if it is a 0 bid/ask. In Eikon I can see that the bid/ask is 0

    I'll raise it with the content team to see what they say.


  • I see thanks - infact I did find a case in which this was discussed reference (06623668)