Exact ORG ID or RCP ID match based on Company Name

Hi All,

We need
to find the exact name search for companies, client has a list of
DUNS(which is no longer supported in DSS) apart from that client has only
Company Name, City, State,and address only.

is what we tried but we get 4 outputs.

"SearchRequest": {

"Name":"Deutsche Bank AG",

"OfficialNameOnly": true,

"DomicileCodes": [],

"CountryOfIncorporationCodes": ["DE"],

"TrBusinessClassificationCodes": null,

"VerifiedOnly": false,

"RegulatedOnly": false,

"IssuersOnly": false,

"ActiveOnly": true,

"IdentifierType": "RcpId",

"PreferredIdentifierType": "RcpId"



in advance.



Best Answer

  • Prathibha.Mariyappa,

    I'm not 100% sure of what you are trying to achieve with this Entity Search call, but to narrow down the results to only 1 item I'd suggest you change the following parameters:

    "DomicileCodes": ["DE"],
    "IssuersOnly": true,
    "VerifiedOnly": true,

    The first one of these 3 you might want to reconsider, depending on the use case, but the other two are usual settings I believe. Here is the resulting call:

    Method: POST

    Endpoint: https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/Search/EntitySearch


    "SearchRequest": {
    "ActiveOnly": true,
    "CountryOfIncorporationCodes": ["DE"],
    "DomicileCodes": ["DE"],
    "IssuersOnly": true,
    "Name": "Deutsche Bank AG",
    "OfficialNameOnly": true,
    "RegulatedOnly": null,
    "TrBusinessClassificationCodes": null,
    "VerifiedOnly": true,
    "Identifier": null,
    "IdentifierType": "RcpId",
    "PreferredIdentifierType": "RcpId"


    "@odata.context": "https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/$metadata#Collection(ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Content.ValidatedEntity)",
    "value": [
    "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Search.EntitySearchResult",
    "Identifier": "10459",
    "IdentifierType": "OrgId",
    "Key": "VjF8MHgwMDAzZWYwNmMzYWEwNjg1fEVORU58MTA0NTl8T1JH",
    "Description": "DZ BANK AG Deutsche Zentral-Genossenschaftsbank, Frankfurt am Main",
    "InstrumentType": "Entity",
    "Type": "Business Organization",
    "Domicile": "Germany",
    "CountryOfIncorporation": "Germany",
    "ParentOrgId": "10459",
    "UltimateParentOrgId": "10459"

    Hope this helps.