MarketFeed QOS reported as "Unspecified"

In RFA applicaton the MarketFeed QOS is reported as "unspecified". ADS is configured to publish as RealTime, tick-by-tick. Are there any changes need to be made to the RFA connection?

Connection log:

DCS_MARKETLINK, Data format = { MarketFeed }, InfrastructureType = TRIARCH,
DataDictInfo[] = { MarketFeed }, Qos = (Unspecified, Unspecified), MarketDataSvcStatus = { state: UP, code: NONE, text:
"Service Up"}

Best Answer

  • Hello @serge.borkov

    MarketFeed QOS which you have seen is from RFA configuration not ADS because ADS does not send QOS of any service to MarketFeed application(SSL connection) as shown in RFA trace log below:


    If QOS of a service is not set in RFA configuration, the default of timeliness and rate are Unspecified as you have seen.

    I have set QOS of the service shown in the figure above into RFA configuration:


    When I run the application it shows QOS of this service to be RT(Realtime), TbT(TickByTick):

    Wed May 29 11:32:58 ICT 2019
    Received MARKET_DATA_SVC_EVENT: MARKET_DATA_SVC_EVENT, Service Name = API_ELEKTRON_EPD_RSSL, Data Dictionary List = {MarketFeed}, Quality Of Service List = {(RT, TbT) - 1}, Service Status = { state: UP, code: NONE, text: "Service Up"}

    For more details of setting QOS in RFA configuration, please refer to [RFA Package]\Legacy\Docs\RFAJ_ConfigLoggingGuide.pdf

    Hope this help.