API issue: function calling reuters is not fetching data


Please be aware that same function GetSwapPoints is working fine in our UAT that uses Application user "

DATA_SERVICES_UAT" but not with the PROD that uses "


Please check both in DACS and let us know what could be an issue.

As nothing has been changed in our API.

Since morning in PROD we are getting this error.

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @meenal.rai,

    I don't believe this is related to DACs as the application is throwing an exception. Looking at the error you provided, the application appears to be throwing an exception due to accessing a local resource within the application. The best way to troubleshoot the issue is to get the developer(s) involved who built the application. If they are able to determine the issue is related to Refinitiv APIs, they will need to provide sample code to help engineers fix the issue.

    Also, can you confirm which specific API the application was written in? If the application is written using one of the TREP APIs (RFA, UPA), you may have access to "Premium Support" which will assign a support engineer to help you troubleshoot the issue.



  • Please team help as our Uniper End of Day reporting is based on this data