I have cleared the DDE's from my order entry tool in the VBA code however every time i use the Clear

I have cleared the DDE's from my order entry tool in the VBA code however every time i use the Clear Status button they seem to reappear, maybe theres something in that sub that i need to deactive?

Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @mjc,

    Clear Status button in Order Entry (Global Equities ...) example triggers Sub ClearOrderStatus.

    My version of this Sub code does not call addDDE, neither it introduces RediLink calls (found in addDDE), but yours may be different version, and likely is enhanced/modified.

    Please examine your ClearOrderStatus code, do you see addDDE call or direct RediLink calls? Then comment this code out. Otherwise, share your Sub ClearOrderStatus code.