Regarding Last value of StoryID in News

Dear all,

belows are from equivalent news story but shows different last value like :1, :10, :11 and :12.

Could you kindly guide me relationship between last value of StoryID and VersionCreated?

StoryID VersionCreated 2019-06-04 13:56:59.000 2019-06-04 13:52:37.000 2019-06-04 13:52:37.000 2019-06-04 13:52:37.000

Thanks in advance.



Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓

    I have verified the raw JSON headlines by setting the value of raw_output to True.

    headlines = ek.get_news_headlines("R:EXEP.PA", count=100, raw_output=True)

    I found that those headlines before 13:56:59 are alerts.


    When a newsworthy event occurs, the first part of a story
    may be an alert, a short sentence in upper-case that
    contains the facts and essential detail. Often several alerts
    are filed in quick succession. For more information about alerts, please refer to MRN DATA MODELS AND ELEKTRON IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE.


  • @Hye Young.Cho

    From my finding, it is a RevisionId.

      RevisionId is a positive integer indicating which revision of a
    given NewsItem this is. Any positive integer may be used, but
    it must always be the case that of two instances of a NewsItem
    that have the same ProviderId, DateId and NewsItemId, the one
    whose RevisionId has the larger value must be the more recent
    revision. A RevisionId of 0 is not permitted.

    The format of NewsML URNs is defined in RFC 3085.

  • Hi jirapongse, Thanks for your comment!

    However in this case, the time shows 13:56:59 for RevisionId:1 and

    13:52:37 for RevisionId:12. Do you know the reason why? thanks in advance!



  • jirapongse, Thank you so much!!