Test Access to EMA FX Order book provider

I have downloaded the SDK from github and tested sample code.

I am part of a startup that has just started and we are exploring Elektron SDK to get order books. What is the process to connect to test environment to get real FX order books?

Best Answer

  • nick.zincone
    Answer ✓

    Hi @shanug,

    If you are simply interested in testing functionality - whether your consumer can subscribe to data and receive responses, you can use one of the Provider examples within ESDK package. For example, within the C++ Examples, you can see there is an example called: 140_MarkeyByOrder_Streaming which provides instructions to publish an Order book.

    You can also refer to this answer regarding a similar question.

    If you are specifically looking to test FX data and require real data, you should discuss this with your Refinitiv Account Manager.