ETA batch request failed: "Request Rejected: Request key did not contain name."

Maybe some flags are not set correctly.

I am using the code from eta_consumer_tutorial5.

Please advise a solution. Thanks.

Best Answer

  • ayan@jump
    Answer ✓

    Thanks, Zoya.

    Actually I am building my testing app from tutorial4. Just figured out the issue, which turned out that a flag msg.msgBase.containerType was not set correctly.

    After setting it as ELEMENT LIST, it works fine now.


  • Hello @ayan@jump,

    From what I am seeing, ETA Consumer Tutorial 5 does not issue batch request,

    it encodes and issues Level 2 requests one by one.

    Are you issuing a batch request?

    Or running the tutorial 5 as is?

    Let's start from what is working for you and build up. Are you able to issue a single request, have you run ETA tutorial 4 and received back data?

    There is a simple example of batch request within SDK, both Java and C++, if you are looking to do batch and not level 2, that should help.

    If you are looking to do level 2, please make sure level 2 is available from your infra, and your user is permissioned for it, tutorial 5 should run then.