400 Bad request when calling IBES2 Methods using SoapUI

I have an account in www.trkd.thomsonreuters.com. I want to call APIs in Estimate IBES2. I generated the service token and impersonation token, referring the API documentation. WSDL file used to generate tokens is as follows.
wsdl: http://api.trkd.thomsonreuters.com/schemas/TokenManagement/wsdl/TokenManagement_1_HttpsAndAnonymous.wsdl
Soap Requests for token generation is as follows.
Service token - Refer in the API document
Impersonation token - Refer in the API document

After getting the impersonation token I tried to call the API to retrieve IBES2 Estimates Measures Data as refered in in the documentaion. Provided [impersonation token] and [AppID].
But when calling the API I get 400 Bad Request. How can I call the API in correctly?

To call the IBES2 API I used following WSDL

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