[EMA CPP] Symbol List Data Model (Domain = SYMBOL_LIST) for a specific Exchange and Instrumet

Can I use "Symbol List Data Model (Domain = SYMBOL_LIST)" to load only symbols associated to an exchange and/or instrument type?

For example, Can I load all symbols referred to Futures Instrument in Eurex Market?

If this is possible, what is it the best way using DomainType=MMT_SYMBOL_LIST ?

Thank you.

Best Answer


  • Hi @cdefusco, the symbol list model is not supported by every listing venue or instrument type. When supported, it will contain all the instruments for that venue. For e.g a Symbol List for a direct feed for NYSE will contain all the NYSE listed symbols only.

  • For example, If I use this code:

    AppClient client;
    OmmConsumer consumer( OmmConsumerConfig().host( "localhost:14002" ).username( "user" ) );
    UInt64 handle = consumer.registerClient( ReqMsg().domainType( MMT_SYMBOL_LIST ).serviceName( "DIRECT_FEED" ).name( "MARKET_REQUIRED" ), client )
    Can I set as name the market required to me.?
    If this works, I can use also others service name (eg: ELEKTRON_AD) and not only "DIRECT_FEED" ?