Running a Datastream request with more than 50 instruments per request in R Studio

I'm tyring to run a static request for a list of stocks in "orig_sample" and get the following error message. Why am I getting this error message - is it because my "orig_sample" contains more than 50 instruments (ie, stock codes)?

static <- mydsws$snapshotRequest(instrument = orig_sample, datatype = c("NAME", "ISIN", "BETA", "ESTAT", "WC07015","INDX" ), requestDate = "0D")
Error requesting data. HTTP message was: Server error : Internal Server Error : Server error: (500) Internal Server Error
Error in .self$.processSnapshot(format = format, myNumDatatype = myNumDatatype, :
No names to use as column headings in Snapshot. Items returned for Datatype 1. Items in Datatype |

Best Answer

  • @jennys

    As we discussed offline there is possibility to divide the file for example:

    mydsws <- dsws$new()

    myData1 <-
    mydsws$snapshotRequest(instrument = orig_sample[1:50], datatype =
    c("NAME", "ISIN", "BETA", "ESTAT",
    "WC07015", "INDX"), requestDate = "0D")

    mydsws <- dsws$new()

    myData2 <-
    mydsws$snapshotRequest(instrument = orig_sample[50:76], datatype =
    c("NAME", "ISIN", "BETA", "ESTAT",
    "WC07015", "INDX"), requestDate = "0D")


  • As far as I understood the pdf-File "DSWS for Desktop - user stats and limits", the wording is "advice" rather than a strict limit for up to 50 instruments. If this is not the case, and it is a limit, is it possible to increase that limit individually?