Would like to classify all funds the same ie: Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) , Mutual funds etc. What

I would like to access a field which classifies the different types of funds into their 'Asset Type' such as Equity, Bond, Mixed - as depicted in column: GN_TX20_15 in the attached screenshot. Unfortunately it seems ETF's do not subscribe to this data point. Therefore I am enquiring about what data points can be used to classify funds of different types (are common) - similar to the shown Classification Sector Name but on a higher/less-detailed level.

Additionally - is there a way to see the Equity/Bond split for the Mixed Asset type fund ie:

LP68230490Investec Diversified Income J AccMixed Asset GBP ConservativeMIXEDMULTI


Best Answer

  • Wan Po.Lee
    Answer ✓

    Hi @J13513,

    As Chavalit said, it is better to raise non-technical questions to help-desk. They will properly track your queries. For your particular questions, (1) if all you need is the field "GN_TX20_15" shown in your screen, then I believe it is simply the Asset type of the fund. You can get it from the filed: TR.FundType.

    (2) For Equity/Bond Split, I think you can get the information from the Asset Allocations if the fund provides that data to Refinitiv/Lipper. For your sample fund, I got the data below using the fields: "TR.FundAssetAllocation" and "TR.FundAllocationName"

    ID	Asset Allocation % of TNA	Allocation Name
    LP68230490 63.2 Bonds
    LP68230490 32.7 Equities
    LP68230490 4 Cash
    LP68230490 0.1 Others


  • Hi @J13513

    This forum is moderated by technical people who are familiar with API calls.

    For content questions, I would recommend you to submit your question to helpdesk at this URL.You can mention that you would like to know the field which contain the information you are looking for.

    Once you know the field name, you can retrieve the data using Eikon Data APIs.

  • Many thanks, this has been v-helpful.