Cannot find data model for CONTEXT_ID 5218


Im trying to find the data model for the RIC DE0001102465=TWEB

FieldEntry fid="1709" name="RDN_EXCHD2" dataType="Enum" value="79"

FieldEntry fid="5357" name="CONTEXT_ID" dataType="Real" value="5218.0"

I cannot seem to find it in the data model site and I dont see any TradeWeb exchange for Germany. I can find the instrument in RIC search without issues.

Am I missing something?

Many thanks



  • @kc_1905

    I also can't find the data model for CONTEXT_ID 5218.

    Please submit a case to the Data Model Discovery support team via MyRefinitv to verify this issue. In the product field, please select "Thomson Reuters Data Model Discovery".